Friday, July 9, 2010

Pokemon Games For Mobile Gameshark

The Opositodo, by Edgar Velasco

Goals for Public-

The buzzword already had while playing and this week became relevant because the pronounced Herbert Taylor, former coordinator of Innovation and Development of the state government: opositodo. I suppose one definition might be: "It is said the group of people who oppose any government initiative that aims to develop the state." Whatever it means the little word, the fact is that this strange and abstract tribe has, according to Taylor, a leader, Raúl Padilla López, former rector of the University of Guadalajara.
On another occasion I made mention of how profitable it might be throwing to graduate. Input, ensures a mention on the cover of newspapers and the news. No doubt, it would be naive to, "the interference that Padilla may have many of the issues of state policy agenda. However, I dare say, this time, Herbert Taylor missed the shot. Like many politicians, it will not fit on the head that has emanated associations fully in society, not partisan or group interests, looking for real change. But the former official no nuance: they are all opositodo, all obey the dictates of the lawyer.
One of the issues that, according to Taylor, entered the field of action of the mind via opositodo Express, last "genius" of the governor-and here I join As José Israel Carranza said: "Emilio [well, no surname] to tell her mother." Among those who have risen up against the project highlights the Town for All ( The group sent three representatives to participate in the Towards Carfree Cities IX Conference, held in York and the tenth edition will be in Guadalajara next year. The purpose of the meeting is to find solutions to mobility problems of big cities, taking cars off the road and designing comprehensive mobility plans that accommodate bicycles and efficient public transportation systems, subtracting space for cars.
During their participation, City for All promotional video showed that the state government made to convince anyone who sees how wonderful it will be the expressway, which will run for England Avenue. Then gathered the impressions of specialists, who mounted them on video. "This is a solution to the decade of 1950 to a problem of the XXI century", "The video is ... propaganda. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous, "" will create congestion at all points of entry and exit. The entire city will most dysfunctional. " Are some of the views expressed in the user-submitted video Nlnnegro that in just four days, recorded over fourteen thousand views on YouTube. And take more if it were not, according to a notice of the site had to download "due to a copyright claim by the Government of Jalisco Communication." Yesterday afternoon, they ran the story that the state authority was not responsible for the disappearance of the video. Haiga Haiga been as been, the network is large: there are more complimentary copies of other users.
do not know if City for Everyone joins the group to which you allude opositodo Herbert Taylor and if Raul Padilla manipulates. What I do know is that not only oppose but also propose: the group has released site, which takes the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a linear park (Plan A) in the same place where they intend to allocate the expressway (Plan B). That
opositodo accuse me of if you will, but I choose option A. Do you?


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