Saturday, July 10, 2010

How Many Calories In A Chow Mein?

Paco Navarrete: Cancelled, by Jorge Fernandez Acosta

A Herbie and Emily, with love.

My dear cupids motor: yes, I'm a bastard and so are many. Living such a condition is a privilege that ineffable sense that lets us experience, word of mouth, the pleasure of freedom to express with certainty what we are, think and feel now, compared to what happens in the daily account of the issues urban development, civic and political Jalisco: the Macrobus, dams, stadiums and villages, the "macrolimosnas" money pa full hands' guys, super salary and up minds.
The current topic height by nature, is the controversial, absurd and anachronistic idea (well you and your e (s) tillites) to lift a cavalcade of share at the height of its more hidden interests: the expressway as a dream year of the stock, either chida and modern.
On Monday we go to the forum for discussion on the subject convened by the Congress and, after hearing the feeble speech to the representative of government, coupled with the well-founded arguments of those who participated on behalf of large and diverse sectors of society , let me at an early intervention recadito send a clear and forceful, in that it is drunk governor says this land we inhabit. The message was direct and to the point: to cancel the project!

Then I started to explain in detail the arguments to support such a request. This is an occurrence which tactical surprise and enforced at all costs, favorable conditions of inequality, segregation, is discriminatory and exclusionary. Divide the social body and restricts the possibility of achieving harmonious coexistence levels and anti-sustainable. It is a quirk that causes itching and unpleasant aftertaste. Not resolved and no final design, and at least some vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe city pursued. Constructed (which will never happen and that we will) detonate more anarchic growth that we now suffer. It would be a breeding ground for chaos that spreads unresolved indefinitely by the carcinogenic blemish of urban sprawl and lead to the outbreak of inequalities by encouraging, with a secant line, the disdain of the powerful to the majority, but all that does not provide effective solutions to enduring mobility.
is urgent to consolidate the creation and operation of the Metropolitan, which would coordinate inter viability to be the authority able to achieve the consensus that deserves sustainable development planning and construct alternatives to the resources of the federal Metropolitan flow and is impossible to execute projects and works that really demand the metropolitan capital of Jalisco.
find a double standard: the good and beautiful, offering mirrors, glitter and beads to entice us to make us believe that the way we resolve life. The other, the grim, dark nones leads to utopias that have to do with business anti-plane and thought it wrong and deep down, who knows who come election time, for what the cult Diego blue backpacks.

Goals To Public-10 July 2010.


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