Saturday, July 17, 2010

Before Your Period Is Your Cervix Open

I took my right and not by Edgar Velasco

For Public-day Millennium

last week while social networks boiled for alleged censorship from the state government to a video that criticized the Express Way, is made known to the state executive would serve as collateral project, a prerequisite for private initiative gets at what will be, we said Emilio Gonzalez Marquez , the panacea to all our ills vials. And so, as using the old nursery rhymes, the governor seems to sing to their opponents: "I'm right and I take it off. If I'm stuck, I take it out. "

As if the dogma of the faith he professes, Emilio González Márquez is determined to make his second floor in any way possible. I'm sick, I draw attention to the dynamic city has acquired since the governor began to worry for her, and here the reader can, if desired, a smile, first saddled us a version of Macrobus that appears to meet all the errors of the models imitated and now we come to sell the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Express Way. Changing terms, we are talking about Metrobus and the second floor, these geniuses that the capital's Espanyol have criticized both Peje of pejes . Could it be that we can go imagine the outrage of González Márquez? Will save some around videoescandalito ? Educated in the school suspects, it seems to me that Emilio Gonzalez Marquez is dying to emulate the Peje to be fit for the 2012. Hence the lead.

But back to the issue of Express Way, catches my attention, as usual, will say the work is for the benefit of Jalisco. I wonder what the good can be the second floor for residents or Colotlán Jalostotitlán. The discourse perpetuates the centrality of life, that benefit is passed by the state that will take effect only in the metropolitan area. But hey, under that shelter is the Way Express and he was filled with these three works, which were made in benefit of Jalisco:

A) The node Columbus, who sold us a paradise and is still a quagmire for those traveling on Lopez Mateos and the Americas during peak hours. If you go by Lopez Mateos and intends to join Americas, take precautions: leaving the tunnel, if not even from within, as expected because the real bottleneck problem, the bottleneck is happening Providence, remained the same.

B) Peripheral Crossing and Columbus, which was a mess, yes, mishmash that just walked a few meters, made a higher return and, in a sudden outpouring of intelligence, they left a single lane, resulting in an eternal line of cars, blocking a lane sometimes, two. In sum, the picture is the same: sick cars, trucks tired, tired smog.

C) This is not yet finished, but that takes: the high-very high-jumper at the Alamo. One need not be a fixture to predict the chaos that is, hinted at the chaos that already lives there in the rush hours. Ah, if life were like a render .

Amid all this, always stand voices, experts say, the opposition acts as if it is opposed, though, is all we know, everything is negotiable. But none of this matters at Casa Jalisco: Emilio González, in his fantasy world, still belting out "I'm right and I do not take off."


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