Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jordin Sparks Zac Et Cody

the expressway, another blunder

By Juan José Donan, to process

Viewed carefully, the project expressway is worse than Macrobus. With all its many disadvantages, the latter is oriented toward public transit, in the elevated viaduct would run through which the railway van, 10 feet above the ground, however, circulate only cars and their owners will to pay a toll fee.

Thus, far from discouraging the use of one-person automotive transportation, the project would stimulate it, with the consequent growth of the already flooded vehicle fleet of the Guadalajara metropolitan area saturated and the air pollution index. The worst thing: it would delay further the creation of a modern public transport system farms in the Light Rail, a practice that has so far proven to be the most efficient and most socially accepted.

inconsistent arguments are put forward by the state administration for the so-called expressway, the extension would be 23 kilometers and traverse the city from east to west. According to several officials, will not mean a payout to the state coffers, as it is conceived as a private investment project. Moreover, according to the promoters of that work, including its alleged beneficial side effects ensure a more fluid vehicle capacity in the vicinity, to depressurize the streets and avenues running parallel to railroad tracks.

However, the promoters of the expressway seem to forget something basic: there are things that are expensive even given away. This project, designed to be built in a public space (England Avenue, whose centerpiece was temporarily leased the company Ferromex), tacitly written off the possibility of using the corridor for a social work major benefit: mass transit.

be feasible, for example, run a line around Light Rail or commuter rail. Could well be Miguel Hidalgo Airport in the town of Tlajomulco, La Venta del Astillero, in the extreme west of the territory of Zapopan. It is necessary to stress the desirability of leverage that public space for a work of greater social significance and low or no pollution. As for investment, at risk of being repetitive, if they opt for the Light Rail would allow private capital or Joint investment.

Another drawback of the elevated viaduct on the avenue England would be a serious and irreversible urban affectation, with a wall of concrete scar twenty kilometers long and 10 or 20 meters. With it, apart from that afearía the face of the city, there would be a new partition of the capital Guadalajara, Guadalajara to a visually and physically would be confined to the north, separated by work and adversity of the Expressway, the Southern Hemisphere .

Moreover, the project is clearly downward. Today in large cities, particularly those of longer lineage, the trend is not to build second floor or elevated tracks that damage the urban landscape, but as far as possible, to demolish the works of this type. That was the main reason for the disappearance of the "Green Monster" in Boston, the elevated viaduct that crossed the state capital of Massachusetts.

In short, the so-called expressway, Guadalajara became, inevitably, in a city more sordid urban links, more polluted and, additionally, it would deepen their backwardness in the field of urban mobility, specifically in the obsolete system mass transit, one line particularly neglected by governments emanating from the PAN.

Since Light Rail wanted to identify with the government of the PRI, the PAN Alberto Cárdenas Jiménez, Francisco Ramírez Acuña and Emilio Gonzalez Marquez left the urban transport project, no doubt, is the most advanced and efficient than the valley has seen Atemajac.

In early 1995, when he arrived in Jalisco the self-styled "government of change" in the person of Cardenas Jimenez, a former mayor of Ciudad Guzman, the Urban Electric Railway System was operated two lines and was about to begin the work of a third, which would by Laurel Avenue, from the height of Angel hospital Leaño, and all Avila Camacho to the square of the Normal, rooted in the driveway of federalism with the Light Rail Transit Line 1, precisely where the government intends to take González Márquez second Macrobus corridor.

Fifteen years and a half later, the result is disappointing: the government canceled the aforementioned Cárdenas Light Rail Line 3, for which not only already had the final design, but also a global bank credit.

With Ramirez Acuna, the second PAN governor, things were not better, for even when he officially announced to extend the Light Rail Line 2 of tetl station to Tonala, when the truth of 600 million pesos earmarked for this project were to stop roadworks for cars, overpasses, tunnels, roads and vehicle nodes. With a very serious aggravating: these works are not only exorbitantly more expensive but the quality ended up being so bad that in a specific case (the tunnel of Lopez Mateos and Las Rosas) had to be redone in its entirety.

In the three and half years ranging from state administration, the extension of Light Rail has continued to freeze, although last year there was talk of creating a line that reached the most densely populated residential areas Tlajomulco. But, as before, everything has fallen into words, particularly Arthur Herbert Taylor, the person who had been serving as supersecretario state government, but the June 28 resigned.

PAN Given the repeated reluctance to expand the coverage of light rail in 2008 the government introduced Gonzalez Marquez, as a consolation prize, BRT articulated buses or system, locally known as Macrobus. This has generated such opposition that has been constructed only one of many planned lines and which now depend on a plebiscite. And just weeks ago, while the source was resolved the statutory public consultation that will decide the future of Macrobus emerged egregious folly of the expressway.


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