Wednesday, July 14, 2010

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The former express way, by Jorge Zul de la Cueva

for the report.

The problem is that the Milky Way Express is a very bad idea of \u200b\u200ba government that refuses to discuss anything with
citizens not knowing what is whistling on the hill. A group called City for All opositodos up a controversial Internet video that defenestaba, via voices of experts and scholars on the planet, the anachronistic Via Express that the Government of Emilio sacks manga not long ago.
An entity with its own initiative (as those five cuicos ninja evicted in the past the camp of those affected by the explosions of April 22) opened a YouTube account in the name of Social Communication of the Government of the State of Jalisco, and just for fuck, the government says, impersonating your identity and everything complaining of copyright issues and removed the video.
At first, they do not believe anything, does not seem possible or plausible that an idle impersonate something as boring as the Secretariat of Social Communication. Second, it is easy to tell who is lying, and if communication have an account on You Tube (which should have it) and if you see what is, or if the false and cheating has long been operated up to the well known government advertising site, since it is already the government is lying.
But that's not the case or bone marrow. The problem is that the Milky Way Express is a very bad idea of \u200b\u200ba government that refuses to discuss anything with their citizens, which does its expert panels, which do not respond to complaints via Twitter or email that claims to have a sustainable plan mobility has not ever shown to anyone.
By the way, who in heaven's name are the experts that the Government claims to have, where are the studies, why not said anything or discuss anything with the public (Social Communication via questionable pretexts did not attend pre-agreed appointment 104.3 of the City's FM All).
is clear that the city am I, you, the people who live it, and it is just the citizenry to decide what roads to take in their growth and development, like it or not like thieves panel of public budget works through non-viable.
applaud from here to City for All and especially "Black" Soto for excellent video work (which can be seen again in , or simply browse Way Express Guadalajara on You Tube) and I hope the Government would react and open spaces to the public, to listen.
As this happens (not happen), depends on us, citizens, do not arise in such nonsense and instead work to benefit the mobility of all. The city is ours, let us take in our hands.


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