Friday, July 9, 2010

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The earth is not round, by Mauricio Ferrer

For La Jornada Jalisco

Earth is not round. Not a ball. Not in the form of an enormous belly. Nor is it like a bowling ball.
Denial is one of the characteristics that prevent stubborn reality at all costs. And it seems to be an attribute of the PAN government of Emilio Gonzalez Marquez.
It appears now that those who dare question the development projects that both presumed Jalisco state administration will be pursued as in the times where, who said that the Earth was like as a pelotota, were accused of heresy and even witches.
This, by the way of censorship, which have been attributed hundreds in cyberspace to state government, "a video in which international experts questioned the expressway, the project will facilitate that in a blink of an eye, you go through the town as if one of those roads from the Jetsons-style. In the audiovisual product created by members of City for All, there was even who called the expressway as a solution in 1950 for the XXI century. Imagine, 1950, a time when many were offended by the movement of Elvis Presley's hips.
Well, yesterday, Thursday July 8, 2010, one began, another followed, and so, to create a group within the Facebook network to report the video where specialists tearing out the project of former supersecretario Herbert Taylor (who accused Raúl Padilla to overthrow the development of Jalisco), had been censored. Yes, censorship, speech censorship, which condemns something. Total
, the point is that censorship of the video for before he was removed from the YouTube site had reached 14 thousand visitors, mobilization and the need for freedom of expression was present in Facebook. The network has acted as a tool against the onslaught of the rulers who refuse or are seeking, give us the finger gruel.
was quick the response of surfers to a government reaction ... the fifties, the years when the old regime dictated the headlines from the Interior Ministry.

thousand and one tricks video made fans on Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, and a host of gadgets for the video to be seen again for those who had not heard the arguments that destroyed the project of the governor.
The Social Communication direction of state government, by Hector Moreno, tried to counter the unit showed yesterday in the network, a surfeit of old practices of censorship.
"The General Directorate of Social Communication of the Government Jalisco categorically denies that this area or any instance of the state government has sought to remove the video quoted from the YouTube page, "according to the office listed via Twitter.
But in the debate that occurred on Facebook, one user by the name of Alberto Jiménez Martínez, known as the Antenna, and who used to work under the command of Herbert Taylor, we do not know to whom to respond, he mentioned that was not any censure from the office of Social Communication of state government.
"No censorship. Social Communication him up, someone took advantage of the material and distorted the content and Communication office simply exercised its legal authority and removed it, "according to the antenna.

Lobby The house pays social service reports: tonight, at about 20 hours in the Hotel NH Avenida America, is hosting an auction whose proceeds will go to benefit the children and youth orchestra Tlajomulco Zuniga. As we will discuss works of Alejandro Colunga, Jose Fors, Waldo Saavedra, Dommi, Carlos Maldonado, among other artists. Take a walk, maybe get some rod or at least check a few couches and a red from a staple.


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