Friday, July 9, 2010

Do You Release Tissue During Implantation

"Censorship? by Rogelio Campos

For Mural.

The presentation of the Way Express has delivered a series of reactions for and against. To please the party in government and business elites leaders, among others. In contrast, scholars from the University of Guadalajara, the ITESO, specialists, consultants and activists.
What has attracted most attention was the trip that made members of the organization "To Guadalajara 2011." This past weekend, went to the "International Congress to the Cities Without Cars," which was held in York, England. That showed several animation specialists used by the State Government to introduce the Express Way. Recorded
video the opinions expressed by experts and climbed the You Tube video. It can be seen to David Murphy, of the Czech Republic Andrew Wheeldon, South Africa, John Whitelegg, England and JH Crawford, United States.
Respondents were shown the presentation and give their opinions. Respondents-all-tear the project. Guadalajara researchers have been expressed about falling short and are very cuddly compared with the tone and the statements of these specialists.
The video, and contain the opinions of these "opositodos" bastards "by moments shows the animation sent to the State Government for the project. The video was surprised not only for its content: it began broadcasting on Monday and Tuesday had been viewed 15 000 times. Just for comparison, the official animation began broadcasting three weeks ago and has only 600 thousand copies.
The problem was exacerbated yesterday. The allegations came to the media and spread across social networks. They complained that the video had been censored. When attempting to view the video reads: "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by the Government of Jalisco Communication."
It spread rapidly as video content -5 000 views per day, social networks are organized to make it up and in just two hours, delivering more than 300 reproductions. It also created a Facebook site called "Government of Jalisco Censorship for Citizens", which amounted to 400 followers.
The mess prompted the Department of Communication, Government of Jalisco is demarcated. At the same time, government employees were given time to call "and opositodos bastards" who expressed their unease or discomfort with the retreat of the video. These employees also argued that, supposedly, was a violation of regulations protecting copyright. Via Express
wanted promoted in the same way, by the express-way, but it was too fast and derailed. The Government requested that the topic is not politicized, and a handful of specialists of various nationalities made hash of the project. No way to tell them who handle the powers of Jalisco or are thinking about the 2012 elections.
A opponents are far-fetched attempt to stigmatize with adjectives, but the social networking phenomenon shows that people who are against are active, intelligent, purposeful, informed, with interest that leads to York, England.
be seen whether the project's backers have taken the time to listen to the voice of the experts or do not care or are in a hurry because this way express approval. In the meantime, a handful of citizens are proved in the last week that they know how to move faster.
local addition to the arguments, have come to join the international experts, are available in, if you want to see the video, do it soon, lest might again be mysteriously withdrawn. You can also compare it to who has ownership of copyright, the state government-in .
The debate of the road you have to add another point can you limit the use of material information that is presented and is prepared by the Government with public funds? Is there censorship in this type of maneuvers?


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