was commissioned by José Batlló Casanovas industrial reform a building built in 1875 by Emilio Sala Cortés, for remodeling, Gaudí focused on the facade, the main floor, the patio and the roof, and up to the fifth floor staff. Gaudí had the cooperation of his assistants Domènec Sugrue, Chute and Joan Josep Rubio, Jaume builders and Josep Font i Bayo, the irons were brothers and Josep Lluís Badia i Miarnau; tiles Pujol & Baucis (Esplugues de Llobregat) Ribó Sebastià glassmaking, and Home & Bardés carpentry. Later on some doors the first floor had to be changed, being reproductions made by the cabinetmaker Juan Martínez Gómez following the original model.
The facade is made of Montjuïc sandstone, carved as warped as ruled surfaces, the columns are shaped bone, with representations vegetables. The woodwork is equally curved surfaces, and windows are stained glass circular shapes. Gaudí retained the rectangular shape of the balconies of the building previously with iron railings-shaped mask, giving the rest of the front a wavy form upstream. Also clad the façade with ceramic glass pieces of various colors (his famous "trencadís") Gaudi got in waste Pelegrí glassmaking.

stand on the roof chimneys helical form and topped by conical caps, covered with transparent glass in its central part and ceramic at the top, and topped by clear glass balls filled with sand of different colors. Completes the facade a vault formed by arches covered with two layers Catenaro brick, glazed ceramic coated flakes (in shades of yellow, green and blue), which resembles the back of a dragon on the left side is a cylindrical tower with anagrams of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the typical four-arm cross Gaudi.
Batlló House has been restored in 1970 and 1999. In 1984 electric lighting was installed on the facade, opened in the Fiestas de la Mercè of that year. Since 2005, the Casa Batlló is part of a World Heritage Site by Unesco, in the Place "Works of Antoni Gaudí."
Source: Wikipedia
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