chat fishing in the river fishing in the river URUGUAY SALTO
A Dream "golden" come true
- Marcelo Kolesnik
The picturesque Falls invited to combine relaxation with family
in the baths and the encounter with the tiger of the rivers
unplanned trips have the flavor of the fruit is sweeter and juicier.
A change so sudden and unexpected in my work seemed to have shattered the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a visit to the picturesque Falls, land of hot springs nearby town of Concordia, located on the opposite bank of the River Uruguay, Oriental Republic of Uruguay . On the other hand, the birth of Patrick, son of a member of my woman on 8 July had greatly complicated his job. Everything indicated that our family tried winter break was doomed to failure. fishing in the river URUGUAY SALTO
| Cómo Concordia reach From Buenos Aires by the Bell Branch Route 9 to km 88 where we take a detour Zarate. Continued to the bridge toll Zárate, starting to walk the RN 12 in the complex Ferrovial Zárate-Brazo Largo passing over the Parana de las Palmas and Paraná Guazú. Ground and Entre Ríos continue to Ceibas joint from which comes the RN 14 where we continue to journey through the towns of Galeguaychú, Colonia Elia (toll km 100), Concepción del Uruguay, Colon, San Jose, Ubajay and Yeruá (toll km 240). We spent access to the City of Concord and about 21 kms. more along the RN 14 in a northerly direction on the right hand we got to bypass that connects the international crossing. Access is along Provincial Route AO015, a path with a gentle slope throughout its journey, surrounded by giant eucalyptus and pine forests. The total length from the Federal Capital is 465 kms. | | | | |
But there is a saying that goes "want is power," and well ... I wanted!
quickly, each reviewed their immediate commitments, evaluate times, delegated functions, and before sitting at the table the night of Wednesday 30 July, we had sent the e-mail with order Reserve the Hotel Horacio Quiroga. An affirmative answer brought us peace, and immediately began to organize things with our minds on the morning of Sunday 3 August, when it began our long-awaited trip.
In Uruguayan soil After making arrangements for Migration and passing the customs control, entered the highway bridge ferrovial the Salto Grande hydroelectric dam, located in a natural setting of breathtaking beauty: upstream, the vastness of Lake Salto Grande with about 80,000 hectares and its altitude of water at the ideal height of 35 m downstream, the majesty of the Rio Uruguay with an optimum height of between 3 and 5 meters with grooved surface by whimsical swirls and fast sliding from ancient rocks suggest their shape.
The Uruguay River forms a watershed of 339,000 km2, covering part of the territories of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Born in Serra do Mar, in the Federal Republic of Brazil, and flows into the Rio de la Plata, with a total length of 1,800 kms.
As we walked the last meters of the massive complex ferrovial thoughts "golden" overwhelmed my mind.
fishing in the river URUGUAY SALTO
The hotel is located on Lake Salto Grande on a 218-hectare natural park, within walking distance of the embankment that forms part of the structure of the dam. SPA has Thermal Casino and the largest thermal water park in Latin America.
Once the check-in and already installed in the room, I got in touch with my friend and mentor, Teddy Rognoni, to know the status of pique. I said that by mid-July there had been several catches of between 7 and 12 kilos, but then, notwithstanding the optimum conditions of the river in height, and water clarity had diminished, the chop well. Since the days Friday, Saturday and Sunday the river is crowded boat was his recommendation tempt gold on Wednesday and Thursday. Waiting
an encouraging response I asked him also about Puerto Yeruá, currently with absolute ban on the field of fisheries due to the systematic massacres of surubíes made in recent years (6,600 copies only removed in 2007). He told me that day before a survey conducted with a group of biologists from the Uruguay River Management Commission to determine the population and health status of the species. The result was the worst of all: no specimen obtained with all the means used. Will the authorities realized too late? Without words ...
More 10 who visited the city of Salto and hot spells, but until now had never visited the imposing dam. The curiosity about how nature is challenged to build such a work and how is the process of generating energy for me was always a question.
The Salto Grande Dam construction began in April 1974 on a spot called Ayu, about 20 kms north of the city of Concordia, and was officially opened in May 1983. The first and most difficult step was the construction of two giant perpendicular to the river embankment, about 600 m long each, and then another similar parallel to the runway. Thus was formed a gigantic box where, through a system pump, we extracted all the water leaving the river bedrock exposed. From there he began excavations up to 30 m depth to establish the concrete foundation of the work. Same work was carried out on the Uruguayan side. has 69 m from its base and 39 m the level of the river, thus forming a reservoir of almost 80,000 hectares. It is equipped with 14 huge hydraulic turbines through which water from the reservoir. The strength of the strong current of spins very fast and they in turn spin generators to produce electricity. The level of the lake water mass handled through various checkpoints that monitor rainfall over the entire Uruguay River basin, releasing water as a function of rainfall in upper catchment, middle and bottom. This huge wall of concrete not only altered the geography of the place, but the life of migratory species that inhabit its waters, constituting a serious obstacle in its reproductive process. Since late October and during November start to form large schools of fish gather instinctively against the wall looking for the path to continue their journey upstream. Hence the existence of the so-called "exclusion zone" for fishing which covers about 1,000 m from the wall downstream. To solve this serious problem built 2-step staggered on both sides of the river to allow these species to overcome the wall of the dam. The system consists of a series of interconnected ponds by passages that communicate with each other, where the fish enter thus overcoming the transition to natural breeding areas. During the closed season that runs from 15 October until 15 January, the process is carried out every 15 minutes and is supervised by qualified personnel of the Joint Technical Commission Salto Grande (I reserve the opinion on the true effectiveness of this process) really something as huge and complex as amazing. | | | |
A fish is
said ... On Wednesday dawned cloudless with temperatures of 2 º C and a mantle of frost about 2 cm. Really cold. At 9am we reached the river with all the equipment ready in the boat. Rognoni Teddy has a four-wheel drive vehicle in a couple of minutes and without much effort lets down the coast and put the boat in the water. The hull of the "Chiva" has a length of 5.20 m, is equipped with a Mercury 4-stroke engine of 40 HP and all the elements required for safe navigation Prefecture.
| Equipment used use rods of 2.10 m marcas Quantum 15 - 45 lbs, Eagle Claw Black Shadow 12 - 30 lbs, Shimano Carbomax 10 – 20 lbs y Marine Sports Solid Neocarbon 15 -30 lbs, reels Shimano Calcutta 400, Shimano Corsair CS 400 and Abu Garcia Record RCN 60 HC loaded with monofilament of 0.435 mm and 0.47 mm Laiglon International brand color green fluo and 0.45 mm and 0.50 mm Surfix trademark green color, leaders de 40 lbs de 50 cm de largo y señuelos Alfers Banana Fish, Minnow 14’’, Rapala Magnum y Mojarra Large dark striped colors, several Uruguayan origin craft lures made of wood and medium-sized pallets "Troll" zones of up to 5 feet deep on this occasion being the color pink and gray, and pink and gray the super-yielding. | | | | |
The place chosen for the survey was the area of \u200b\u200bSalto Chico and the trolling mode exclusive fishing. For directing us to where we started flying gulls, a sign of the feast were being predators. In this case, it was a large group of small doradillos they held in a circle about 5 m in diameter at a school of sunfish terrified that they could not disengage from vicious harassment. We tried to light equipment and numerous Lures and we did not have an answer. Often the lure hit on their backs but did not take cheating. Then change the traditional equipment: rods of 2.10 m, rotating reels loaded with monofilament of 0.40 mm to 0.50 mm and lures to deepen from 3 m to 8 m. We missed countless small fish chop and obviously were not eating vigorously. In a past, tracing a well that was 12 m, Teddy had a resentment that could not drive.
We had to spend four more times to suddenly my rod was bent and the reel began to give nylon. It was then decided to drive. The fish stopped its run desperate and began to swim toward the surface. When we expected him to jump out water only showed the head and part of his left flank. "Bring
carefully and not loose one iota that this is a good one" ruled Teddy. Were 20 minutes of fight without getting to see until it was delivered on its side next to the boat. Patting her belly and holding it firmly by the tail Teddy did hoist.
A beautiful monument of nature that accused 9 kilos fixed on the scale.
feel so much strength and vitality in your hands is a feeling hard to describe. In two minutes we took the photos and, then, to return the generous river to continue his life. Not sure if it the way it is being punished at all this spectacular animal areas or if the years are making me see things differently, but I confess to return a gold to their environment excites me much more than fishing.
So pique finish this very difficult time where our catching was exceptional, a fact that we found on the coast to meet with other guides Uruguay.
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The next day would become one of the most remember in my life, since my daughter Martina boat would be my partner and my wife, Marcela, who would record every moment of our adventure.
Another clear day, this time less severe, with 6 º C and freezing without registering. An ideal day to be in the River. Because fishing Salto Grande and La Herradura were not performing well, the venue was again the court Salto Chico. When we started sailing, I dealt with my daughter give any explanations to heed the sink and did not have any problems with the computer. Before he had finished with my advice when I received a blunt response: "Dad, you let me me."
Wearing his jacket impeccable Pescanauta c
smell gray sunglasses, cruzadita legs and holding the rod as an expert, after almost an hour browsing without answers, Martina got into position, clutching his hands firmly cane almost gets out of hand when he nailed a beautiful reddish brown. It was an unforgettable moment. His rush to pick him neglecting nylon attention on the cane and one of the jumps almost lost. No sooner did the boat closer to his big eyes looked black out of his head and grinning from ear to ear reflected the joy of that special moment. We took it gently to take some pictures and she asked to return immediately to the water, a gesture that filled me with emotion. I have no doubt that our children take care of much better resources than us.
elapsed morning continued with several sprints wrong and when the full moon appeared with all its immensity. was literally no activity ..
. Fishing in the river URUGUAY SALTO
scarcity of pique, Martina accompany me for the first time to look for the "tiger of the rivers" and it was just she who managed the only catch of the day was for me the dream fulfilled. The way back was in silence and with a smile on our faces, remembering every moment of the wonderful family fishing trip we had enjoyed.
My dad was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 57.his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this to anyone who needs help.
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