Friday, December 17, 2010

Bc Old Driver Licence

year El Matador "Smith's hand" in the Top 10 the year

"The Suárez hand "in the Top 10 the year
" Smith's hand "in the Top 10 sporting moments of the year in TIME magazine

U.S. December 16 (UYPRESS) - Time magazine's "Top 10 sports moments of the year." The hand of the player Luis Suarez in the quarter-final match in South Africa 2010 against Ghana is one of the highlights. Video of the moment.

TIME Magazine did not forget the highlight of the sporting year. Ranked No. 5 is for "Ghana's World Cup Giveaway." Beyond failing to podium, ranked fifth Luis Suarez that interrupted play in the Uruguayan arc line as the last man being expelled, to err on criminal Gyan, Uruguay finally managed to win on penalties and that the last penalty "crushed" by Sebastian Abreu.

Also, the magazine points out as most memorable moment "of the World, the party of Uruguay and Ghana. Uruguayan striker that hand did not allow an African team (in this case Ghana) achieved for the first time in history to enter the semifinals. The first World Cup played in Africa failed to stick to a representative of the container between the "4" best.

The magazine notes that "Gyan blew the ball against the crossbar and broke the heart of a continent. He covered his face with his hands and most of the planet-perhaps even some Uruguayans felt it for him. "

For many, the save the World, for others the" hero ", and there were those who met him Cheat Luis Suarez. What no one can deny is that it was a unique moment.
"Smith's hand" in the Top 10 the year

also went to TIME: "the party of the third day at Wimbledon "between John Isner and Nicolas Mahut," bad decision "of the basketball player Lebron James, and first place went to a baseball game between the Detroit Tigers and Cleveland Indians.
"Smith's hand" in the Top 10 the year


Victoria said...

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