Entry is modest, $ 50 with the right to stand and in this sense it is worth noting that all proceeds from such a concept go to the group of players that currently comprise the campus Salta.
canteen service will benefit Single Youth Council, which has worked well in recent years, achieving significant success in sports.
Yesterday morning in the Football League Salteña proceeded to present this show, took the word Juan Ramón Guarino (Vice-President of the LSF), Roberto Mezza (Assistant coach of Salto), Luis Avellanal (DT responsible for leading the group of players coming from Montevideo and exterior). JUAN RAMON
"This game will be for the benefit of the team players, is a support for them, meaning that the idea is not ours League , is of people who are out of it but they gave us the opportunity to participate in it to make it happen together. " ROBERTO
Mezza (ASSISTANT TECHNICAL DIVING SELECTION) Cavani play jump on Sunday December 26, 2010
"We are very pleased with the way they gave the players who are abroad and in Montevideo, they understood the reason for the party and immediately joined to participate in it .... "
"Cavani, Fornaroli, Albin, Ferrando, Diaz, Rodriguez and others are players who will accompany us also continue to make efforts to have the participation of Luis Suarez." LUIS
"I want to thank neutral League for the trust they gave me in order to be part of it, my task is not to direct but to order a bit, stopping the team and work with the organization of this party. "
"This is a brilliant initiative and we can see in action many of the players Salta first level we are playing in professional football is the opportunity for rendering him the homage of all the people of Salta to them." "Besides raising money is going to be split with the team players will be a direct financial support for them they will come in handy."
CARLOS ROCHA (Governor of Salto)
"The Department of Sports and Social Action of the Administration of Salto is grateful to be part of organizing this event along with Giovanoni, Mezza, Banega and the people of Salta League Guarino and Kutscher. "
"We immediately contacted the mayor to ask for support for all this out and we can enjoy a high level event on Sunday in Dickinson.""We will be providing financial support to buy a certain amount of tickets that we will then distribute in some institutions and some CAIF baby football."
"Besides all children who are under 10 years to go with a T-shirt Jump box here will have free entry, we want lots of color in this festival of sport. "
jump Cavani play on Sunday December 26, 2010
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