Diego Forlan and gold ball
already is it in all its fullness. To put on a shelf, in a window and admire again and again. Forlan already has a well deserved Golden Ball Cheers
Then came the day. The desired hour since the news broke, that July 11 when he finished the World Cup 2010. Was time that Uruguayans receive another huge bonus.
Diego Forlan was the Golden Ball as best player in the World Cup held this year in the African continent. Now is not only the title of winner. Has the trophy in his hands and no one gets.
Diego Forlan and gold ball
The Uruguayan received the medal in a ceremony held at the headquarters of Adidas in Herzogenaurach, Germany, with heavy snow falling outside.
"It was a beautiful day, emotional, "he told reporters at the awards ceremony." I remembered my family, my friends, my people. My girlfriend, who are always by my side, "he said.
also dedicated his award to the entire sky combined." I'm very happy. This award is for all my colleagues. It is the fruit of a collective work of a team that helped me at all times with its solidarity to be at the forefront of a World Cup, "he said.
" Nor I can not forget the coaching staff and a country has been by my side. For the first time an Uruguayan enter this award and be back with more is a great honor, "he added.
Diego Forlan and ball of oroAdemás, Iker Casillas received the Gold Glove as the less beaten goalkeeper, while Thomas Mueller kept the boot for being the scorer.
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