who became a citizen of Uruguay and Argentina was
Tacuarembó Carlos Gardel.
Charles Romuald Gardes French ever did.
"What documents would Gardel around 1911 when he started his journey as an artist? Is logical to assume the existence of some form of identification to be accredited travel (for example, to Brazil in 1915), hotels, contracts and any trips abroad. But nothing is known about it. Some authors consider an identification card issued via gift or Cristino Alberto Barceló Benavides, Chief of Police of the Province of Buenos Aires, where he appeared as born in Avellaneda .
Since 1869 was in force Law N ° 346 of which Article 2 of Title II provided:
"are citizens by naturalization: 1: - aliens over 18 who reside in the Republic two continuous years and demonstrated outside the federal judges will be. "
Gardel became eligible for the benefits of this law since late 1908 with only proof of their French nationality and residence in the country since 1893.
Why did not you? Why would have preferred the oblique path of political favor, receiving a spurious identity card when he could obtain legal citizenship card in shape? "
Ricardo Ostuni
Aware of new Uruguayan legislation to legalize undocumented statements for Uruguayans abroad, Carlos Gardel
presented on October 8, 1920, to regularize their situation , to the Uruguayan consulate in Buenos Aires, city where he lived .
Under the laws consular, 1906 and the Decree of 1917, processing your application for registration of citizenship in the file serial number 10,052, where they were born in states Tacuarembó , Uruguay, on December 11, 1887, being single, artist, residing at Calle Rodríguez Peña 451 of Argentina's capital.
filiatorios In the data, referred to as Carlos
father of Uruguayan , deceased, and as mother Mary, of the same nationality, also deceased. (Berta Gardes was in good health).
In the place reserved for
"evidence presented" not record the submission of any previous document. Include the name and signature of two reliable witnesses: José Razzano and a policeman living in Buenos Aires, Juan Laguisquet, both Uruguayan.
precaution is that
in any of the documents Gardel used during his life appears Bertha Gardes his supposed mother, the heiress turned into a holograph, French alive in 1920, it just ceased to exist in 1943 .
With the certificates of registration issued by the Consular Agent Uruguayan, Carlos Gardel, later passed through the sieve of many steps that allowed him to obtain other documents which confirms
the content of the statement in the registration certificate of registration in the Uruguayan Consulate in Buenos Aires. a few days, get the November 4 Argentina identity card No. 383,017, which also has its source in Tacuarembó.
is essential to clarify that the French
Charles Romuald Gardes NEVER BEEN Argentine citizens.
According to documents reviewed by the public Clerk Freddy González Araujo , from the March 7, 1923 which was nationalized Argentine and Uruguayan CARLOS Tacuarembó GARDEL .
IS ABSURD ASSERT THAT WAS A GARDEL Argentine citizen of French origin.
O was an Argentine citizen of Uruguayan origin or was FRENCH.
1. Register nationality, October 8, 1920.
This document says he was born in Tacuarembo, on December 11, 1887, being single, artist, residing at Calle Rodríguez Peña 451 of Argentina's capital. In filiatorios data, referred to as father "Carlos", an Uruguayan, who died , and mother to "Mary Gardel", of the same nationality and also died.
2. Identity Card No. 383017 issued in Buenos Aires on November 4, 1920. It
Tacuarembó also his birth on the same date, on December 11, 1887.
3. Good conduct certificate No. 218,125, February 15, 1923.
Issued by the police of the Federal Capital, signed by the Head of Research, Eduardo de Santiago. (Commissioner Uruguayan artist who led the solution to your face documentary from 1920 to 1930: registration from Uruguay, Argentina legal citizenship, enrollment, and passports. De Santiago is radical and acts primarily in the período1912-1930 until the coup Uriburu status as marginalized. This officer, now in disgrace, making records Gardel taking them to the theater.)
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4. Citizenship card, March 7, 1923.
Gardel brought before the judge and expressed his desire to obtain the citizenship. It comes with two witnesses (Urruchúa and Brennan, both employees of the Police) and with the agreement of the Public Prosecutor Judge will grant the citizenship.
says a native of Uruguay, at least 35 years old, a professional artist and live in Rodríguez Peña 451
************************ CARLOS GARDEL DOCUMENTS Uruguayan official
5. Gardel gets his first book of enlistment, May 9, 1923, Registration 1717,
figure on behalf of Carlos Gardel, son of Carlos Gardel and Berta . For enrollment book was to present the papers. This detail shows the "rush" of Gardel be an Argentine citizen. The judge gave him three months to get your ID book or enrollment. Gardel possessed only 28 days later!
in possession of as a citizen and his engagement book, Gardel was already in a position to integrate the electoral register and voting issue. Get it, its
Tab election "in which it will record the same place and date of birth and occupation of artist, residing on the street corner 137. Assigned Loop 100 and in that tab is stamped the letter "N", which distinguished the naturalized citizen.
Carlos Berta attributes the name to his mother, but awarded the name Gardel
Digital Printing tab Carlos Gardel
Army, fingerprint file.
Digital prints shown on this page belong to the city Gardel, Carlos, son of Charles, Berta Gardel, born Tacuarembó RO del Uruguay , enlisted in the Military District No. 2 DASE 1887, individual Registration No. 1717.
Federal Capital 9-V, 1923. (Signature) enrolled and Head Office (signature)
Carlos Gardel's signature enrolled. Seal of the Argentine Army, DM 2. Form No. 83, printed and manuscript.
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6. Engagement Book No. 236,001.
June 21 1927, Gardel met the new registration ordered by law that same year. He then extended Enrollment Book, Individual Tuition 236,001, DM 2 Enroller Office Section 10.
Among these documents there are some differences, for example in terms of its size. According to the 1923 paper measuring 1 meter and 64 centimeters, in 1927 its height was 1 meter and 70 1 / 2 cm.
administrative tab for this last step, file kept on file with the National Registry of Persons, listed as their parents and Bertha Carlos Gardel, differing from what was originally settled in the Uruguayan consulate.
************************* GARDEL OFFICIAL CARLOS URUGUAY
7. Request new passport and certificate of good conduct on October 11, 1927, (credited as José Razzano), who was the guitarist José Ricardo Gardel embarked on 26 October of that year.
8. On November 25, 1930, renew your passport, No. 383017, and certificate of good conduct , as credited again with his signature José Razzano. On 6 December he sailed for France.
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9. Valable Charter, a document obtained in Paris on March 16, 1931. is the permission to work there. His records are as follows: Artist, born in Tacuarembo, December 11, 1887. Son of "Carlos", a native of Salto (Uruguay ) and again altered the name of the mother, this time is "Maria Martinez, born in Mendoza, Argentina. It Argentina nationality by naturalization.
10. Passport No. 02421, issued in the Argentine consulate in Nice on December 13, 1932. Renovated in Buenos Aires on November 2, 1933. (Renewal discovered by Clara Koser )
is the last document you used Gardel. Was found in his clothes singed
11. Venezuela's Identity Card issued on April 20, 1935.
Nationality Uruguayan native , Argentina acquired. Born in Tacuarembó Uruguay, 11 December 1887.
This document reiterates the data Gardel birth a year and a half after the writing of the holographic will of November 7, 1933, in clear contradiction with the statements in it.
In this paper, processed a year and a half after the writing of holograph, said Uruguayan Gardel again.