I come from the workshop breastfeeding. In English, something like "breastfeeding workshop." I have read it correctly. I begin to think that the UK is the NBA of pregnancy. I do not understand how it was possible to reproduce the human race without going through the pre-natal courses. It
we have the great good fortune that a global eminence in this of breastfeeding practice in Reading. So, it's like a soccer Ronaldinho but if not the intricacies surrounding the nipple sucking by three kilos of meat with eyes. Praise the Lord.
modesty, I attended the workshop / course / session with the feeling that could be both master and apprentice. Not that I consider a world expert on breastfeeding but one has already taken his first steps . I was tempted to explain how to milk a cow for the first time (in Rebollar de Ebro, where else), but after the limited success of my previous explanations veterinary pre-natal classes This time I decided to exit the forum. Still, here tell a fraction of my farming experience.
I pulled the udders with determination but there is not any liquid left.
- Relax - I hear you say my buddy Raul cowboy in those days ( dairy engineer would call here.)
- I you're saying to me or the cow? - I said frustrated.
Anyway, back to the original story and leave you here that adolescent experience, it seems that lately I can not stop talking about cows.
mine then said "I will accompany the course, no? "I love the way in which the female universe orders camouflaged as questions. Last straw, honey. Partner support is essential during pregnancy, as the reader knows at this point in the log.
On the day of yore, and minutes before routing to the hospital, I realize I have not complied with the duty entrusted to: buy a doll. We had asked that we take a dummy to simulate the practice and I had forgotten my purchase, which was translated into a heated domestic dispute ... to strengthen marital bonds, which would the experts.

So there we are, entering the hospital my wife and I very pregnant with the tiger under his arm. I open the classroom door, greeting with a hello to jack the little group gathered there and the face of the global expert on breastfeeding to see the tiger was all one poem. I did not know whether to laugh or mourn.
Half an hour later, amid the "practices", I start to walk around that class, opening and closing drawers.
- I can help? - Ask me understood it very solicitous.
- Seeking scissors.
- do you want a pair of scissors?
- is that the tiger's whiskers tickle me.
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