Two days before this earthquake was preceded by another major earthquake, but of lesser magnitude, occurred on Wednesday, March 9, 2011, at 2:45:18 UTC in the same area on the east coast of Honshu, Japan and had a magnitude of 7.2 degrees on the Richter scale, with a depth of 14.1 kilometers. Also that day the authorities of the Japan Meteorological Agency gave a tsunami alert, but only locally, to the east coast of that country.
after the quake generated a tsunami alert for the Pacific coast of Japan and other countries, including New Zealand, Australia, Russia, Guam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, Hawaii, Northern Mariana Islands, United States , Taiwan, Central America, Mexico and the coasts of South America, particularly Peru and Chile. The tsunami warning issued by Japan was the most serious in its local alert, which means to expect a wave of 10 meters. A 0.5-meter wave struck the northern coast of Japan. Kyodo news agency said a tsunami of 4 m in height had beaten the Iwate Prefecture in Japan. We observed a tsunami 10 meters high at the airport in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, which was flooded with waves that swept away cars and buildings as they moved onto the land.
Source: Wikipedia
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