beautiful and strange celestial phenomenon in Uruguay jump halo Halo
single double jump we saw in this morning.
Today in the morning until noon, an unusual phenomenon was generated was in Salto. We are talking about a halo, a meteorological and then iridescent clouds (or clouds of colors).
What is a halo?
A halo is an optical effect caused by ice particles suspended in the troposphere that refract light by a spectrum of colors around the moon or the sun.
The radio usually is 22 degrees, but also tend to be cases of 46 °, usually inwards tend to have red colors while out have yellow, green and blue.
Within the halo, the sky seems to be darker than outside. The halos are rings of white or a pale shade formed around the sun or moon. In this case the physical mechanism that produces them has to do with processes of reflection and refraction in small crystals ice are the high cirrus clouds. The most common type is generated by processes of refraction in hexagonal ice crystals. In this case the diameter of the circle that forms the halo is such that if one point with one arm in the direction of the sun (or moon) and the other in the direction of any point of the halo, the angle between the arms is 22 °. Source: wikipedia
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Clouds "colors? beautiful and strange celestial phenomenon Uruguay halo jump
also could see iridescent clouds, this is when the clouds feature bright colors and various ranging from red to violet. Not always see the full range, and the shape of the rainbow does not usually clearly. This is due largely to the way it acquires the cloud. It is also an optical effect similar to that causing the rainbow.
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Fuent chat
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