Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sayings: The Cheese To My Macaroni


Roberto Arias de la Mora, http://impreso.milenio.com/node/8784596

Although just yesterday formally announced the project expressway call from last week we had people opportunity to learn of the state government plans to build a viaduct air on railroad rights of way, whose length is 23 kilometers and will have four lanes ( Public June 8).

The way in which the news was released, people had the wonderful opportunity to weigh the lightness prevailing among makers today make public decisions in Jalisco. First, we have the statements of innovation and development coordinator, Herbert Taylor, warning that the work be realized "the city would win atrocities" ( Public June 10). And that is to this official, the project has only benefits, for the neighbors because it will reduce the noise of the train in each of their crosses, to landscape architecture as "not a bad area and have a permanent fix," for those who choose to pay for road use because they can make that trip in less time, for other motorists who do not want to pay because avenues will be less congested and therefore, for all people in the city because there is less pollution caused by traffic congestion. Against these benefits does not matter that the calculation of the work, amounting to 6.500 billion pesos, more than other similar projects because "it will cost the company that wins the bidding." And what about the arguments of the opposition to PVEM deputy and chairman of the Committee on Transportation, Enrique Aubry, the viaduct is a work of first world ... that will help us to grow in the economic field, because it will to generate many jobs "as a deputy for the PRI and president of the Urban Development Commission, Marco Antonio Barba, "is a good alternative, considering the growth that has taken the city", while for the PRD deputy, Raul Vargas, the realization of this work could be used to make government intervention "in the areas under the bridge, which in some places could be promoted as linear parks, and even amusement parks ( Public June 9).

The problem with these arguments is that fast are serious public costs, and those estimated by Taylor himself Arthur at 550 million pesos, equivalent to the cost of the four overpasses to be "covered equally by the municipalities, state and federal governments and the company Ferromex ( Public June 10), or which shall be incurred by the" public assistance " referred to by the PRD deputy, nor the opportunity cost, as a society, we will incur for these 6.500 million dollars of private investment, which could be better used in modernizing public transport systems, much less the extremely high costs impose with the daily use of vehicle, no one pays, but all suffer through the growing loss of time or high levels of ozone.


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